Gatewayof the router connected to the Internet is
1. Set the computer IP address tobe in the same network segment as the switch
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
IP Address:
3. Modify the IP address of switch VLAN1 to, with the same network segment as the router
4. Modify the computer IP address to be in the same network segment as the router network management and log in again
Connect a port to Managedswitch: The port mode is set to "Trunk"
Connect a port to Unmanagedswitch or computer or camera: The port mode is set to "Access"
--In the figure, VLAN1 is connected to the router, so the IP address CIDR block must be the same asthe router gateway CIDR block
-- In the figure, Ichose VLAN2 to manage
(Pleaserefer to the local DNS for the DNS address, this address is for reference only,and the DNS of each VLAN must be the same)
The above has been set up onthe switch, and if you need to communicate with the route, you must add a static route to the route
static route
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
DestinationlP Prefix:
Next HopRouter IP Address:
Now each VLAN cancommunicate with the router